What we do

Controled Enviroment

Evoke has sensory cabins for studies with lighting, temparature and air exhaust control.

Our flexible structure allows us to create contextualized enviroments, so consumers can evaluate products simulating their real use.

Central Location Test

We conduct researchs in Central Locations that are previously approved by our team, with lighting and temperature control, with suitable spaces for product storage and manipulation, and for consumers evaluation.

Home Use Test

In HUT, consumers are previoulsy recruited and we conduct implants in our facilities or dor-to-dor, giving the required instructions for consumers to evaluate products in their usual enviroment. We make the entire process of samples delivery, instructions, monitoring product use, data colection and analysis. 

Hybrid Tests

Hybrid tests combine Qualitative and Quantitative methods at the same project. It allows us to explore and probe in knowledges, and to get insights from consumers during qualitative enterviews. At the same time, we lead quantitative tests to measure the attributes, emotions and perceptions of consumers.

Trained Panels

Our team perform the selection, training and validation of trained panels for all products categories (food and beverage, cosmetics, home and personal care...) We lead Descriptive, Discriminative, Shelf Life and Quality Control tests for products and formulation process



Quantitative Research

Using Quantitative Research our team measures products attributes, acceptance and preference from consumers point of view. We run differentiated analysis and techniques to delivery an objective and conclusive result to our clients


Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is used to explore and probe information from consumers about their habits, consumption, products attributes, brands, services, and to understand which emotions are aroused during their experiences